Ergilo: Test Area (enter your text below … )
Ergilo Family:
Ökonomische Schönschrift
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Ergilo is a contemporary interpretation of an »Old Style« Garalde created for usage in long text passages. For Ergilo has a proportional higher x-height and a moderate contrast in the glyph widths it is an economic alternative to »Old Style« Garalde font faces. Ergilo has two different Regular (Text-) Styles: Book (lighter appearance) and Roman (darker appearance). Because of this you can define the »darkness« or the light-ness of your text/typesettings more exactly.
Ergilo is a contemporary interpretation of an »Old Style« Garalde created for usage in long text passages. For Ergilo has a proportional higher x-height and a moderate contrast in the glyph widths it is an economic alternative to »Old Style« Garalde font faces. Ergilo has two different Regular (Text-) Styles: Book (lighter appearance) and Roman (darker appearance). Because of this you can define the »darkness« or the light-ness of your text/typesettings more exactly.